Helsinki East Urban Centre

  • LocationHelsinki
  • TypeInternational ideas competition, 2nd prize, 2020
  • ClientCity of Helsinki
  • Program516 000 m²
  • StatusConcluded

Entry "ITIS SITI" in collaboration with: K2S Architects, Suomen Asuntokehitys, Nomaji Landscape Architects, Ramboll, Suure, Bonava, Y-säätiö, SATO, EKE-Rakennus and JM Suomi.

An open, international ideas competition in two phases regarding plans for the central quarters of Itäkeskus and the area of Puotila metro station. The purpose of the competition was to find innovative, inspiring and technically and financially feasible suggestions that support Helsinki’s objective of carbon neutrality as a basis for further planning of the area.

The aim is to provide new functions for the area known as a hub of public transportation and commercial services and turn the area from a transit centre into a vibrant urban area – Helsinki East Urban Centre – the strength of which is its distinctive and multicultural identity.

Existing connections are strengthened and new ones added to defragment and connect the larger area into a coherent and more sustainable urban centre. Especially housing and varying public spaces are added to balance the existing condition and to divide the social ownership more widely. In addition new public functions (Helsinki City Art museum, Helsinki Live Music Association, a mosgue and Children's house) are introduced to give Eastern Helsinki a more pronounced citywide role and character.
