Suunnittelijankatu block
Herttoniemi industrial / business district is constantly evolving.
There are only few remaining reminders of the industial history. Industry has been largely replaced by car dealerships, speciality retail and offices.
Several unbuilt plots remain and the general apperarance of the area is sprawling, unfinished and bleak. The area surrounding the metro station is being heavily redeveloped including new retail spaces, services and housing. Also a new bridge will be built to continue Suunnittelijankatu street over Itäväylä.
The plan introduces new functions to an empty city owned plot close to the metro train station.
A sports and leisure center is situated prominently along the Itäväylä to shield the rest of the block from the heavy traffic and also to gain maximum commercial visibility and accessibility. The center is a stack of boxes containing the different functions providing both indoor and outdoor spaces. The center terraces down towards south and connects to the public path dividing the block diagonally.
Retail and services are situated to compliment the neighbouring Gigahertsi-block.
To minimize the traffic noise and pollution and shading from the Gigahertsi towers, the residential buildings are situated in the north eastern corner of the block.